Friday, April 9, 2010

"if u can't u must, if u must u can" (NAC) part 3

"if u can't u must, if u must u can" (NAC) part 3
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 5:09pm

4. Don’t get too hung up on being motivated to get started.

“The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation. Just do it. Exercise, lose weight, test your blood sugar, or whatever. Do it without motivation. And then, guess what? After you start doing the thing, that’s when the motivation comes and makes it easy for you to keep on doing it.” John C. Maxwell

Here’s another view on motivation. Maybe you don’t need it to get started? Maybe you can create it along the way?

Many times I have found it better to just do it and start working instead of trying to motivate myself to get going. At first what you do may suck quite a bit and it’s hard going. But after a while inspiration and motivation seems to catch up with you. Things start to flow easier and your work is of a higher quality.

And after you have kept going for a while you become more and more motivated. Because you start to feel like you can actually do this and you can keep going to achieve your goal. And now you are also walking your talk which boosts your motivation.

On some days you may not seem to be able motivate yourself into action. Even if you review your goals or reasons to achieve something.

That’s ok. You can still make a conscious choice based on what you know deep down is right and just start moving your hands and feet anyway. No matter how you feel inside, no matter what negative thoughts may be circling around in your head.

Try both to get yourself motivated before you begin and to just do it and find the motivation along the way. Try both ways and see what works best for you.




sekarang gw mau komen. pertama kali gw baca ini, berkali2 gw ngerasa 'OUCH!' momen, yaitu momen yg mewakili kondisi skrg. gw gatau apa istilah yg tepat, tp kira2 bgini: misalnya lg bosen d rmh sndirian, trus tiba2 d radio nyetel lagu "aku sediiih, duduk sendiriii. mama pergiii. papa pergiii" ato lg d jalan, pagi2 dnger jingle "baaanguuun, pagi paaagi. ke sekolah ke kantor ke kampus kita pergi. tapi omaigaaat, trefikjem lagiii" ato hal2 smacam itulah. kebayang kah ilustrasi nya?

dan karna artikel ini 'nuansa' nya positif, kaya pngen aja nge share k org2, cm males aja ngeringkasin (anak pemalas, hahaha). terutama bagian quote2nya, entah knp 'ngena' aja. kaya peramal. eh bukan, pembaca pikiran. eh tapi bukan juga. mmm, apa ya? 'kata zodiac' mungkin? (ckckck, manusia korban media LOL)

dan epilog yg amat ngga penting (prolog nya juga si)

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