Monday, June 28, 2010


Saturday, June 26, 2010, at 6:28am

beberapa hari yang lalu gw ditunjukin lirik lagu yang judulnya "at the bottom of everything" (bright eyes)

karna penasaran, gw nge youtube video clipnya. setelah mencermati lirik dan liat video clip nya, gw deg2an. merinding. betapa di balik nada2 ceria, ada makna terselubung yang super maha dahsyat 'dalem' nya (dan gw super maha dahsyat lebay nya)



so there was this woman
and she was on an airplane
and she's flying to meet her fiancé
sailing high above the largest ocean
on planet Earth
and she was seated
next to this man who you know
she had tried to start a conversation
but really the only thing
she heard him say was to order his Bloody Mary
and she's sitting there
and she's reading
this really arduous magazine article about this
third world country that she couldn't
even pronounce the name of
and she's feeling very bored
and very despondent
and then uh suddenly there's this huge mechanical failure
and one of the engines gave out
and they started just falling thirty thousand feet
and the pilot's on the microphone
and he's saying "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, oh my God, i'm sorry"
and apologizing
and she looks at the man
and she says
"where are we going?"
and he looks at her
and he says "we're going to a party, it's a birthday party
It's your birthday party, happy birthday darling"


salah satu penggalan liriknya:

and it'll go like this
while my mother waters plants my father loads his gun
he says, "death will give us back to God
just like the setting sun
is returned to the lonesome ocean"

and then they splashed into the deep blue sea
and it was a wonderful splash


lagunya seolah-olah bilang "buat apa panik, sedih, depresi, putus asa lalala ngadepin kondisi 'dying'? mati itu pasti kan? gimana ngatasinnya itu pilihan. jadi, gimana klo sedikit bersenang2 kaya pesta ultah?"

singkatnya: death = reborn = birthday. so let's celebrate. enjoy!

ato istilah lainnya: 'dying happily'

ah sumpah maha jenius banget itu manusia yang nyiptain lagunya. di balik lirik yang maha ribet dan panjang, nada2 yang maha riang dengan video clip yang maha lucu, makna yang maha dalem, pesannya simpel (ngga pake maha)



btw, liriknya kenapa banyak banget 'and' nya ya?

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